Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"Bring our children home."

As the holidays near and we reflect on all that has transpired during this past year. With Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years Eve parties coming up we will be caching up on how and what everyone and their families are doing. I know a lot of people have kids in college or that have just graduated. When our children do go off to college and hopefully graduate what is their here besides their family and friends to draw them back to work and live?

Do we have a diverse job base? Do we have new industry and companies relocating to Savannah and Hardin County? Are we actively seeking out and pursuing new businesses to come here? And what are we doing to make our community attractive to companies outside Hardin County so they will come here?

These are some tough questions and I don't claim or pretend to know all the answers. But I do know one thing and that is I want us to have thriving and growing new and old businesses . When my children graduate from high school and college I want there to be opportunities for them here to get a job that pay enough to support themselves and their families so they will want to come back home not move to some other community. If they choose to live some where else I don't want it to be because there was not opportunities for them here.

I am not trying to insult or make anyone mad. But what we are doing now isn't working. Maybe we need a new approach to the way we try to attract new businesses to our city and county? Maybe we need to look at some other growing and booming communities and see what they are doing that is being so successful. We need to do everything we can to build a better future for our children and help our business community to thrive and grow is essential to making this happen.

If anyone agrees or disagrees please leave a comment I would love to know what other people think about this issue.


At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 11:30:00 AM, Blogger Maximus Doom said...

Well I cannot say I don't like the way you are thinking. It really is or could be a really cool little town like Seatle, Wa or whatever. I actually enjoyed visiting last Christmas during the parade of homes with my wife...but "yes" it would take significant reasons to come back there to live. Keep sounding the bugle, Ken!


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